Mysteries Decoded

Our Hollywood Trax library was used throughout the CW docuseries Mysteries Decoded that aired on CW and this past summer and early fall.

Black Lightning

Black Lightning Ep. 210 is using the track "Broadway" from our CD LT65-Dark Jazz II and is set to air January 21st on the CW.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Season 3 Episode 13 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is using the track "Twilight Eyes" from our CD LT42-Modern Indie Pop Rock airing tonight on CW.

No Tomorrow

The 2nd half of the new promo for the CW show "No Tomorrow" Season 1 Episode 10 used the track "Chin Up. Eyes Ahead" from our CD AT147 Acoustic With A Beat - These ten rhythmic modern acoustic pop themes are great for adding a fun, positive mood to a variety of commercial productions.